In-Home Lifestyle Newborn Session - Pittsburgh
In-home lifestyle newborn sessions are just that, me coming into your home and capturing the little moments throughout your day. Ok, maybe there is a little posing assistance from me and I am not there the whole day. But we use the places throughout your home that you love the most. Whether it is the new nursery that you spent nine months or longer dreaming of or the cozy spot in the living room where you used to curl up with your favorite book but will now curl up with your little people. Lifestyle sessions allow me to capture moments of you and your family in these spaces.
I first met this family last fall when they booked a mini session with me at Phipps. They were celebrating their daughters first birthday and were so fun to work with. So, when they reached out over the holidays to schedule a newborn session I was excited for the chance to work with them again! Their daughter is now 1.5, which can be a tricky age for little ones as stranger danger really kicks in so I knew it might take a minute for her to warm up. To my absolute surprise, it was like we were long lost best friends. Zero warmup needed and we were able to quickly start the session!
Dad mentioned from the start that their little guy was extra sleepy and that he would be surprised if we even saw his eyes open during the session. That is 1,000% the sure fire way to make sure your baby is wide awake for their session! I am completely joking but I do think the second the baby hears that they should be sleeping is the moment they realize they don't want to miss the party. Not to worry though, we were able to get a nice mixture of sleepy and awake shots for this sweet family and I am excited to share some of my favorites with you from their session.